Beauty Sleep Is Possible: 7 Tips for Better Sleep
A vital secret to achieve the beauty sleep you need for healthy, beautiful skin is consistent restful sleep. A study published by The Royal Society concluded that even two days of sleep restrictions can impact the attractiveness of a person. People with insufficient sleep are seen as “less attractive, less healthy, and more sleepy.” Lack of sleep can apparently be “detected in the face” causing others to be “less inclined to interact” with that person (Sundelin, 2017).

Okay, so maybe you would love to get better sleep, yet it may seem almost impossible to get all the sleep you need. Maybe you have difficulty falling asleep at night. Perhaps, if you are like me, you fall asleep without too much trouble, but then can’t stay asleep for more than a couple of hours. Maybe you are simply too exhausted to sleep–as ironic as that may sound.
No matter how many hours you manage to sleep, it just doesn’t feel like enough, right?! You fight the alarm clock, maybe hit the snooze button way too often, and just don’t feel ready to start the day. Then you are sleepy and struggling to make it through the second half of the day. You rely far too much on coffee and/or energy drinks.
How can you possibly feel attractive when all the moisturizing creams, foundation, and other make up never seem to quite cover up the wrinkles and dark circles around your eyes? We seem to be constantly searching for remedies for droopy eyelids, dull, aging skin, and wrinkles around our eyes and mouth.
How can you achieve the beauty sleep you need?

If you are like most of us, you are probably tired of being tired. Stress seems to be an unavoidable part of our lives and a reason we do not sleep as much as our bodies need.
What can you do to fall asleep easily, have more restful sleep, and wake up more refreshed and feeling more attractive? Your sleep issues may be related to low magnesium levels in your body.
Magnesium deficiency impacts your beauty sleep
Lately I have heard many sources recommend magnesium to provide a good night’s sleep. This is especially true for people with restless leg syndrome. While there is evidence to support the value of magnesium as a sleep aid, not all magnesium is equal. For example, magnesium oxide is a stool softener that may actually disturb your sleep. Other types of magnesium can cause diarrhea and various stomach issues. Magnesium stearate causes cancer. From these examples, it is clear that we need to learn to read the labels to be sure we are taking the right kind of magnesium for what we need.
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