Let joy lead the way
Teresa S Neal, PhD. smiling

Hi, I’m *Dr. Neal

*but you can call me Tia

My favorite people to teach are those who are most eager to learn. However, I also love the challenge of encouraging reluctant learners to find ways to make learning more rewarding.

I enjoy teaching people about any subject I know and they are willing to learn, especially writing, history, literature, the humanities, and theory of knowledge.

Are you looking for an engaging teacher to speak or facilitate a discussion at your next event?

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I love to teach

(and it seems to show)

Featured awards

Places where I’ve lectured and presented

Kind words from peers and students

"Dr. Neal truly ensures that students own their learning through student-centered learning activities.  This is not to say that Dr. Neal can’t present a fine lecture to her students, but rather she wants students to drive the soul of her classes each day.  . . . Perhaps the greatest testament to Teresa Neal is that she believes no matter how young or old a person may be, learning is valuable and learning is possible.  Her students demonstrate this each day and Teresa constructs the opportunities for these learning experiences. It's a pleasure to see her work with students." 
-Daniel R. Bock, Ed.S.
"I love how fun you are even when you’re lecturing and I really appreciate how you care if the class is interested in what you are teaching for the day... You always know how to keep class fun and I am so thankful to have such a great teacher. "
-Emma G. Former Student
"Class was so much fun [thanks to] learning from such an enthusiastic, caring, and knowledgeable teacher. I don’t think I could have asked for a better role model to inspire me to work hard, try my best, and always smile." 
-Tylin S. Former Student
"Teresa drew students out and encouraged their contributions supportively. She skillfully asked follow-up questions to help students formulate their thoughts and achieve clarity. Her manner was sincere and humorous, and she offered advice on a wide range of topics based on her own experiences, making connections to her students’ lives and showing connections among reading, writing, and life in general." 
-Rachel Schaffer, Ph.D.

Who is Teresa S. Neal, Ph.D.?

I am a professional educator and bestselling author who loves to share my joy of learning.

With over thirty years of experience, I've taught all levels of students, my favorite being high school and college students. Recently, though, I've enjoyed teaching adults and small children as well.

My interests range from writing to history, from the humanities to the science of health and healing, from fine arts to home crafts and cooking. I also enjoy sports and have coached volleyball and track, refereed basketball, and umpired softball. My travels have extended to over thirty countries and six continents.

With a strong motivation to encourage people to avoid degenerative diseases, I have continuously researched options for improving health and have become a certified Healthy for Life lifestyle coach. My current passion is to guide people to find their own paths to healthy, joy-filled living.

Want to know more?

I have always loved learning and thinking and writing! As a child, one of my favorite games was playing school. I was one of those kids who loved school. I didn’t always have the nicest teachers. In fact, I think I was always assigned the strictest, toughest, least-smiling teachers in my grade school. But I loved learning! In first grade I remember reading every book in the classroom library and took many trips to the county library during the summer. And even more, I loved sharing what I learned! That’s probably why my sisters and friends and I “played school” so often.

Somewhere as a child, I heard the phrase “think tank.” I had no idea what that meant. I envisioned people crawling into a tank and sitting around thinking all day. The tank had windows so they could see out, but the people spent all their time thinking and sharing thoughts. I was intrigued. Maybe that would be something I could do someday: spend my time thinking about things that would make a valued difference. That, and be a teacher, and be a writer. Hmmm, now that I look at my life, I think I am living up to those childhood dreams.

I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only teach them to think.
- Socrates

Now as a professional educator, I have over thirty years of experience teaching high school, middle school, community college, university students, even working with the little ones and coaching sports. My favorite classes have been Theory of Knowledge, Honors Humanities, AP History, and writing classes where I teach critical thinking and encourage students to think creatively.

On the other end of the spectrum, I love young children. They are so innocent and see the world with such a fresh, magical perspective. I am delighted to have the opportunity to view the world anew through the eyes of my little grandson. I love how curious he is, how he loves to explore and observe and learn about everything. I love that he is persistent and keeps trying even when he does not succeed with the first few efforts. I love how he will study a new toy or household object while he tries to figure out what it is and how it works. It fascinates me how he tries to imitate what others are doing so that he can learn to do it as well. I am amazed at how he finds fascination and joy in some of the simplest of objects. Most of all, I love how easily he smiles and laughs and loves his life.

Recently, I came across an idea that was painted on the steps of an elementary school as one of the beliefs they teach their students. I don’t remember the exact words, but it suggested that failure leads to success. Now, we generally think of failure as opposite to success, so this set me to thinking. As long as we do not have a fixed mindset, our failures can help us know what not to do the next time. Instead of quitting, failures remind us that we just need to try again, only this time a different way. That is absolutely what small children do. How many times do they fall before they learn to walk? We always encourage them to keep trying. I believe that is a lesson we can expand into so much more of what we do.  And on top of that, think of the joy the child and the parents have once the baby takes those first wobbly steps. We can find joy in our own efforts to get back on our feet and try again.

Create the grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.”
- Oprah Winfrey

I am so thankful my parents and teachers encouraged me to keep trying years ago! Striving to achieve your own goals and build toward your own success has been the objective in my life as well as what I have taught my student and friends over the years. I now realize our ultimate goal is health and Joy, and that is my focus in what I strive for and share in all my current pursuits.

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Full CV available upon request

Are you looking for an engaging speaker for your next event?

I enjoy guest speaking in classroom and scholarly settings, for professional or social organizations, in panels, and facilitating discussions. My areas of expertise are writing, history, literature, the humanities, and theory of knowledge. Below are some popular presentation topics:

Thinking about Thinking: How your thoughts impact your life

Leading the way: Why women in Wyoming voted 50 years before the rest of the country

Gratitude: the simple practice that can transform your life

From my experience: How to compose and publish a well-written book

How to spark less fear and More Joy into your life

What message can I craft to enlighten, inspire, and motivate your attendees?

Tell me more about your event and what you have in mind

The JKP4 Scholarship Fund

For years, my late husband and I dreamed of providing scholarships for students, especially for females because we learned that when women are educated, the entire community becomes educated. That is why the JKP4 Scholarship Fund was set up, beginning with donations to the Michael Neal memorial, and it continues to grow.

A portion of funds generated from the sales of my resources and affiliate products are donated to the JKP4 Scholarship Fund to create an endowment to help advance the education of women and children. Annual scholarships have already been given to children attending Camp del Corazon, as well as scholarships supported by the American Association of University Women, the League of Women Voters, and various other scholarships.

While the JKP4 Scholarship Fund continues to grow, the educational opportunities for women across the globe also continue to expand. I want to be an active part of the support network for women and children.

Thank you for joining us in making a difference.