Beyond Domesticity...

captures the stories of authors, artists, educators, doctors, lawyers, elected officials, and other women who led the way for future generations of women to take their work and service outside the home and no longer be limited to the domestic sphere.

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Readers are saying…

"This book is really worthwhile if you are interested in women's issues, history of feminism, or the roles of women in the Western United States. Dr. Neal... adds valuable insights into that process! She highlights individuals, their struggles, plus content by other researchers, and I look forward to more work by this gifted, perceptive academic."
- Bess L.
"I really enjoyed Beyond Domesticity, an interesting blend of extensive research, author's insights, and story telling. Dr. Neal focuses on those experiences that led to women in the American West gaining certain rights (such as voting & property ownership) before their counterparts in other parts of our nation. It also gives one a deeper understanding of women's lives in America, particularly the West, during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. I highly recommend the book for anyone interested in history, especially American history and the history of women's rights in America. There is extensive detail but Dr. Neal is an excellent writer and the result is a thoughtful, engaging, readable book. She also shares insights, often complimentary, on men and their contributions to supporting women's rights. It's publication in 2020, the Centennial of women's suffrage in the US, is especially timely."
"As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of Women’s Suffrage, Dr. Teresa Neal’s work “Beyond Domesticity” is quite fitting as a lesson learned from the Western Woman whose pioneer spirit still carries through to today. Dr. Neal’s extensive research of various American women of the 19th and early 20th centuries, and her clear and concise writing style gives heartfelt meaning to this book. Dr. Neal accurately captures the heart and character of those women of whom modern-day women can be proud."
-Nancy Lowrey, Educator & Author

A peek inside…

“Because domestic ideology and strict gender division of labor were impractical on the frontier, men and women frequently exchanged chores and responsibilities, and boys and girls commonly worked, played, and studied together… During the mid-nineteenth to early twentieth centuries, a new generation of women emerged in the American West who promoted a new standard of female behavior…”
- Teresa S Neal Ph.D. Bestselling Author & Award-Winning Educator
“When God has given a woman the ability to do the highest work and in equal measure, she ought to be as free as man to do it and to be well paid for it.”
~Superintendent O.P Fitzgerald, 1870
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Beyond Domesticity is the perfect book to facilitate a conversation about women's history and the American West.

This book describes the progress that was made in the women's rights movement in the West during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It covers topics such as the historical role and impact of fathers, how the environment in the west expanded opportunities, and the role of western women in politics.

"In her masterful book Beyond Domesticity, Neal offers a comprehensive interpretation of the ways in which women found influence and power in the nineteenth century American West.  From social roles and suffrage to holding office and even the interaction between women and the land itself, Neal paints a vivid and vibrant portrait of the myriad ways in which western women shaped their own destiny. Thoroughly researched and engagingly written, Neal's work draws together multiple themes into an effective, concise, and accessible volume.  This all-encompassing narrative should be required reading for anyone interested in western American history as well as the women's movement more broadly in the United States."
-Derek R. Everett, Ph.D.

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